Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It is a science-based therapy and takes a whole-person approach to health and wellbeing.
BOOK AN APPOINTMENTWe provide you with a thorough assessment and diagnosis along with comprehensive treatment and self-care plans specific to your needs.
Your Physiotherapist will discuss with you the nature of your injury or condition and provide manual therapy as part of your treatment plan. We will also discuss how you can self help to aid your own recovery. At the core of physiotherapy is the relationship between the professionals' knowledge base & the clients' involvement in their own care. We do this by providing you with ‘know-how’ and a sense of empowerment.
○ Education & advice regarding
musculoskeletal conditions
○ Exercise coaching
○ Manual therapy – including joint
mobilisations & soft tissue massage
○ Taping
○ Pilates (one to one)
Pilates improves your core strength, posture and increases overall flexibility. During your personal session with our physiotherapist you will learn how to condition the deep, postural muscles, allowing coordinated and controlled movement.
Pilates is a great way to improve self awareness and relaxation through the use of breathing techniques and is also extremely helpful in pain/injury management.
Specialists in Pre & Post Natal and
Post Menopausal care
Our Physiotherapist has a special interest in women’s health, and treating musculoskeletal conditions
specific to women.
We treat both pre & post-natal conditions such as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) also known as SPD, lower back pain, poor pelvic floor control and many others. For pre & post-natal women with back pain we offer a full assessment, in which we discuss your diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This may include soft tissue massage, exercise therapy & advice for self-help techniques you can use at home.
If you are a post-menopausal women experiencing physical difficulty, particularly with multi joint pain, we offer comprehensive care to help you manage this.
Benefits of female specific physiotherapy:
○ Reduce or eliminate pain & inflammation
○ Improve strength & stability
○ Prevent risk of future injury
○ Aid management of pre & post-natal care
○ Improve mental & physical health
Manual therapy involves a range of physical techniques used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. We generally provide 3 main types if manual therapy.
Kneading & manipulating the muscles to decrease muscle tightness & soreness.
Graded oscillations of pressure directed at a specific joint aimed in reducing joint stiffness & pain.
Offloading muscles & joints in order to support structures and reduce inflammation.
First Appointment £55 - 1hr
Repeat Apts. £45 - 45mins
Consultation & Examination
Treatment & self care support